US president Barack Obama supported women's right to choose at the 36-th anniversary of the decision of The Supreme Court, which gives women the constituional right to abort. It seems the public opinion in the US supports the right of choice and prefers it to the right of life. Only 11 % of Americans support the total ban of aborts. During the election campaign the opponent of Barack Obama for the presidential post, John Mccain stated his position which was against aborts. Barack Obama seems to support aborts but still claims that there should be some better alternatives like better sexual education, adoption, etc.
From my Christian point of view I think making aborts is absolutely inadmissible. I may not be a president of the US but I certainly know that some things in this life are pretty messed up and the right thing to do is not legalizing and encouraging the wrong things in our society but trying to find a way to make things better and deal with our problems. May Christ bless you!
a great video on youtube on the topic: